Who is Phen?

August 27, 2024

Hey there, and welcome to the very first post of what I hope will be the beginning of an exciting journey together. I’m Stephen, but you can call me Phen because, let’s be honest, there are a lot of Stephens in the world, and Phen is unique has a nice ring to it. This space is where I’ll be sharing the ups, downs, and everything in between as I work toward a few major goals that have been on my mind lately.

First off, I’m new to this whole blogging thing, and I’ll admit, I’m here to become a better writer. I wanted to make (and still am trying to) make YouTube videos, but video editing is hard and takes a lot of time. Hence why I've also started a blog. I figured that writing, while still hard, would be something that I have more time for. So that’s one of my personal challenges... getting my thoughts down in a way that not only makes sense but also resonates with you, the reader.

Now, let’s talk goals. I’ve got three big ones I’m chasing:

  1. Make $1,000 in Monthly Recurring Revenue.
  • I’m diving into the world of affiliate marketing, content creation, and a few other ventures to make this happen.
  1. Hit Some Serious Workout PRs.
  • I’m gunning for a 225lb bench press, a 275lb squat, a 300lb deadlift, and a 100lb barbell curl. Fitness is a big part of my life, and these numbers are more than just goals—they’re milestones on my journey to better health and strength.
  1. Get to a Sub-10 Handicap in Golf.
  • Golf has been a passion of mine for a while, and breaking into the single digits is a challenge I’m fully committed to.

All these things come together in what I’m calling "Life Unscheduled." It’s my way of taking control of my time, pursuing what really matters to me, and maybe inspiring a few people along the way. So, if you’re into chasing dreams, pushing limits, and figuring out life as it comes, stick around. There’s a lot more to come.
