About Phen

Phen playing golf in the sun.

Hi! My name is Stephen, but on the internet I go by "Phen". I am in my late 20's, am married, and have a dog. My biggest goal in life is to be provide for my wife and future kids while being able to control my own schedule. I'm on a journey to what I am calling:

Phen with his wife, Josie, on vacation in Japan in April of 2024.
Phen with his dog, Pocus.
Phen playing golf in the sun.

Life Unscheduled

This is my personal website that I'll be using to write blog posts, pull in relevant posts from my side projects (YouTube Videos, Instagram Posts, Podcast Episodes, and partners that I am affiliated with). Right now, as of July 28th, 2024, I have 3 major goals:

Make $1,000 in Monthly Recurring Revenue
Hit the following workout PRs:
  • 225lb Bench Press
  • 275lb Squat
  • 300lb Deadlift
  • 100lb Barbell Curl
Get to a sub 10 handicap in golf